This site is lovingly built, maintained, and paid for by Brandon E.B. Ward and John Coomer because they believe in the DFW UX community. If you have found value in this resource, please consider having your company or group sponsor to help offset the costs of Squarespace hosting and domain registration.
Information is updated as often as possible at our leisure and availability. If you’d like to help contribute to our efforts and join the volunteer team, please contact us.
Brandon E.B. Ward
Brandon keeps humans happy by managing complexity for them. He seeks executive design leadership opportunities where the people using the product are at the heart of the business.
Brandon has spent 19 years designing experiences, leading, speaking, teaching, writing, directing; creating and developing unique, award-winning, and usable software, mobile apps, websites, and AR/VR experiences.
He holds a master’s degree in Interactive Media Design and 3 Bachelor degrees in Music and Theatre.
Brandon’s hobbies include attending industry events and meetups, singing, acting, restoring classic cars, and training traditional Kung Fu.
John Coomer
John seeks to improve the things we build and the way we teach. This is driven by his passion to understand people and things, and the way they interact.
As a UX researcher and front-end developer, he seeks opportunities where he can apply his skills and knowledge as well as continue to grow. During his year of experience he has learned to moderate and report on usability studies, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS, and has already begun picking up Drupal, Wordpress, and React.
John has a Bachelor’s degree in Finance, a certificate in JavaScript, and a 3rd degree black sash in traditional Kung Fu.
His hobbies include mission work for his church, philosophy, video games, and training and teaching traditional Kung Fu.